Thursday, October 18, 2007

Long time, no update

Its been a long time without a post. A lot has been going on in my life. I left my job - well, gave my notice, I have a few days remaining. The stress of my work environment was not at all healthy for me and I found myself coming home daily with extreme tension in my neck and shoulders.

I realize all jobs have stress, but this one had additional issues that can be avoided at other places, i.e, personality conflicts with supervisors, extremely poor upper management, etc.

I am taking a break from working for a while. I am fortunate enough to have a partner and with the new domestic partnership laws I can get on his insurance with ease. YAY.

I recently came off zoloft. Also a big yay. I have noticed no difference in my headaches thus far.

The depo is still working in that it is reducing the number of migraines I have. I have about one really bad one a month. I consider this to be wonderful. One bad one equates to about a week and a half of junk though. I still have daily garbage to deal with, but I think a lot of this is related to job stress and I firmly believe it will go away here soon. I know some of that will come back when I start working again, but I also hope to find a new place to do yoga in the meantime, get myself started on a better diet - I'm pretty sure theres a gluten sensitivity at play here and continue to see my massage therapist regularly.

Hope everyone is having a pain free day. I am going to take a nap and rest, as today is not one of my better ones. Oh well, can't win them all