Monday, December 10, 2007

My old friend the migraine

My head hurts so much this week, and the last week and this headache is wearing down my will to do just about anything. I have taken my Imitrex and they seem pretty useless right now.

Massage made it worse. Baths don't help. Heat helps the back pain some. Sleep is all I enjoy, and I have to knock myself out with nighttime medication for that to happen because my scalp is so sensitive I want to cry laying on it.

I really need this one to get worse so I can go to the ER and get a shot for it or have it get better so I can be done with it. I'm tired and have far too much to do to be sick right now. I am in this horrible cycle of beating myself up for being sick.

I have forgotten what it is like to be sick like this. I don't get headaches very often anymore and I am grateful, but when i do, they last for a weeks and suck my energy and I remember just how draining and tiring and soul crushing they are.